Sunday, February 20, 2011

Caring for Your Valentine Plant

So you received a potted flowering plant for valentines, or for your birthday or any occasion and you want to make sure your gift last as long as possible.

    You should locate your plant in a well-lit area and avoid direct sunlight.
    Always keep plants away from ripening fruits, cigarette smoke, or a heater. Ripening fruits produce ethylene gas which can cause flower bud to wilt, and leaf yellowing and/ or dropping and makes flowers die quicker.
    Check your plant for watering needs. Water only when needed and make sure water drains from the pot. Never let plants dry out and avoid water on leaves or flowers.
    Follow the care tag instructions so that you can enjoy your plant a lot longer indoors.
    After the flowers are spent, you can usually take your plant outdoors, other tropical plants prefer to stay indoors.