Affordable florists are in your neighborhood. Just look around your neighborhood, and you might find not one but a couple of flower shops to choose from. In my neighborhood, I just discovered that there are actually 2 florists at the corner shopping center, each facing each other and separated only by a parking lot access street. Amazing! But it is nice to just walk in and see what each one offers, select the freshest flowers, or plants, balloons or other gifts to send to friends or loved ones.
If you need flowers sent out of town, chances are you'll look online and search for florist in that town or city. Often times, the florists that pop up first are the big wire service providers that send orders nationally. But beware, even with their advertisement of saving you money, it usually just means that your recipient of flowers will not get the best value for your money.
Upon opening the phone book, one usually finds big and attractive ads of florists. Most local florists would only be able to afford small ads and the ads show their exact address and their local phone numbers. The big ads would usually have their 800 numbers and occasionally have a local number but would not disclose their actual address or location. If you call their 800 number you could potentially be calling a call center not only out-of-town, but out of the country!
Here's top 5 reasons for calling and ordering from your real local florist:
1 You get the best value for your money; you won't get charged any handling or shipping fee. The only fee added to your order of flowers is their standard delivery fee, and the applicable sales tax.
2 You get to speak directly to the florist who knows what is the freshest flower in stock, the flowers in season, and can answer any of your questions and concerns, and give you suggestions if you need any. And if you have any custom design in mind, the florist can make it to your specifications.
3 You can be assured that your flowers will be delivered promptly. The local florist knows the area very well, is familiar with the policies of funeral homes and hospitals in their delivery area, and if your order needs to be there at a certain time, you can communicate it directly with the florist.
4 In a rush, you have a better chance of having your delivery delivered the same day if you call the florist directly.
5 By talking to the local florist, you will get a feel of whether they will take care of your order with care or not. You can give them special instructions on how to handle the order or delivery, i.e, the recipient is hard of hearing, or is slow to get to the door.
So, the next time you need flowers, visit your local florist, you'll save a lot more than the $5.00 dollar coupon from the national flower wire sending service. In Sacramento, use A Vanity Fair Florist - the most affordable florist in Sacramento, CA.