Just for online customers, we offer you a rose bouquet special. If someone you know is having a birthday, anniversary, graduation, new job, or just having the blues, order gorgeous red rose bouquet now for delivery anytime until end of August, 2006. Celebrate summer with a dozen red roses!
This offer is only for online orders and for a limited time only.
Summer is rose season! A Dozen Red Roses
For a special birthday, or celebrating an anniversary, a dozen red roses is always the perfect choice.
One dozen red roses in a clear glass vase professionally arranged,
Approx. 18" W x 20" H
Order Now Price: $37.95
Available: Local Delivery only
Special for online customers only, limited time offer.
Promo 12rose06
"Roses say what's on your mind"
How to lengthen the life of your rose bouquet:
- Immediately fill the vase with water, if needed, upon arrival.
- Check your arrangement daily to make sure it has plenty of clear, fresh water.
- Display your arrangement in a cool location, out of direct sunlight and away from electrical appliances.
- When the water starts to get cloudy, dump all the water, wash the vase/container, fill the vase with lukewarm water and mix a packet of flower preservative.
- Cut about 1/2 inch off all the stems with sharp floral clippers or scissors before putting the bouquet back into the vase full of water with floral preservative.
Did you know that roses bloom in late spring and early summer?
Do you have rose plants? Here's some tips on how to prolong the blooming season for your rose plants in Sacramento during the hot days of summer:
Roses prefer at least 6 hours of direct sun, preferably morning sun.
Water generously, ideally in the morning, so that the leaves dry out to prevent disease.
Water from 4 to 7 days of the week during summer or once a day in the mornings during the blazing hot summer days in the Sacramento Valley.
Vanity Fair/AmFil Florist
Quality at affordble price