A Vanity Fair Florist, a local Sacramento florist, delivers gifts for all occasions in Metro Sacramento California, same day. Call or order online at http://www.avanityfairflorist.com Sharing with you life's important events through our carefully and artfully designed bouquets of fresh flowers.
Wednesday, February 08, 2017
It's February!
For florists, preparing for a one day holiday begins in the middle of January or earlier. The wholesalers send their catalogue of supplies - like vases, baskets, decorated with hearts, mostly colored in bright reds, and pinks. And the flower wholesalers send their lists of roses and other flowers, mostly volume pricing but still increased significantly from the prices for non-holidays. Retail shops, the big box stores are at this time all decorated with Valentine themes -
I Love you Balloons
and lots and lots of ROSES
Roses andTulips and other Flowers
It is a very lovely month, and there is a lot of loving this month of February. Happy Valentine's!
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Thoughts of Being an Entrepreneur, Lessons from My Mom
Nowadays, I wake up early to leave for the flower wholesaler to avoid the peak traffic for commuters and to be able to pick the freshest flowers.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Flowers for Any Occasion
Congratulate the parents for the birth of a new addition to the family. Floral gift can be delivered to the hospital addressed to the new Mom.
Send your love and celebrate the birthday of a loved one with flowers.
The language of love is mostly expressed with roses. We suggest a mixture of beautiful flowers with gorgeous roses.
Monday, January 12, 2015
Staying healthy in 2015 and Beyond
The following are simple ways to stay and keep healthy:
Daily walks,
Take your smart phone with you but, enjoy nature, observe your neighborhood, flowers, trees and nature. It helps you relax, takes the stress away and also helps you stay limber, improves cardio, builds stamina and you lose/burn calories.
Drink More Water
Drink at least 8 cups per day. Reach for a large cup or a bottle of water, juice, milk, and other fluids (except alcohol) when you have the urge to snack. Drinking water helps maintain the balance of our body fluids. It helps control calories, helps energize muscles, helps keep skin looking good, helps kidneys, and helps maintain normal bowel function.
Eat More whole grain food and bean
Grains, especially whole grains, are an essential part of a healthy diet. All types of grains are good sources of complex carbohydrates and some key vitamins and minerals. Grains are also naturally low in fat. All of this makes grains a healthy option. Better yet, they've been linked to a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, certain cancers and other health problems. (Mayo Clinic).
Wash Hands, often!
Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 15 seconds. It helps eliminate bacteria, and helps stop the spread of virus that goes around in classrooms, offices, etc.
Get Enough Sleep
We need 7 to 8 hours sleep to recharge our bodies, rejuvenate our memory process and energize our nervous and immune system.
Smile and Laugh
Smile and you get it back. Laugh with your spouse, your friends, family members, and co-workers. Laughing helps reduce stress, lowers blood pressure, boost the immune system, improves brain function. Work environment is pleasant with everybody in a good mood and feeling good. Spread happiness in 2015.
Send flowers
Send flowers to someone you really care, they will enjoy the flowers and know they are loved. The surprise of receiving flowers will make them smile and happy.
Friday, September 19, 2014
Flowers We Commonly Use and their Lifespan
The flowers we use most often are those that have long lifespan so the recipients will enjoy their gift longer.
These are the flowers that lasts from 7-14 days; and these are flowers we use often:
Bells of Ireland
Gypsophilia or Baby's Breath
Asiatic Lily
Stargazer Lily
Flowers that lasts more than 14 days:
Bird of Paradise
Dendrobium Orchid
Cymbidium Orchid
Flowers with 5-7 Days lifespan:
Calla lily
Gloriosa lily
Flowers with 3-5 days lifespan:
Queen Anne's Lace
Flowers that last 1-2 Days
Tropical Flowers using Bells of Ireland, Bird of Paradise, Orchids, Protea, etc. |
Sunday, August 31, 2014
How to Preserve the Beauty and Fresh Look of Permanent Displays
The beauty of permanent floral arrangement lasts a long time but like everything else, it fades eventually. It could fade much faster if it is not freshened routinely.
There are simple ways to keep your permanent display fresh looking for as long as you can.
1. Using a soft paintbrush, dust leaves, branches and large flowers like Anthurium, Birds of Paradise, Orchids, Lilies, etc.
2. Use hair dryer set on cool setting to blow dust from the small flowers and any dust remaining on the foliage, branches and the rest of the floral arrangement.
3. Use Leafshine spray, if you have one, to bring out the shine and freshness to finish it off.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Ms. Quest, Our Flower Delivery Partner
Ms. Quest had tantrums when my sister finally passed her on to us. She must have felt the same way my sister felt who shed tears when she handed the keys and papers to us. My sister wanted us to have her but it took 4+ years for her to finally give her up. She was hesitant to give her up, but we had lost our delivery van to an accident. The driver of a big SUV run a red light and hit our van which was travelling at the speed limit of 45 mph. Our car was totaled and my driver/husband was hospitalized.
Back to Ms. Quest, fortunately her tantrums happened when it was at a safe location, like the flower shop which is next to auto repair shops. After, a month, it stalled a block away from the shop after all deliveries were completed for the day. It was in the repair shop for a week. Ms. Quest run so well after getting fixed, carrying a lot of birthday flowers, wedding flowers near and far, funeral flowers to cemeteries, funeral homes, churches, event halls, flowers to welcome newborns in hospitals and homes, get well flowers to cheer people who were not well and weekly trips to assisted living homes to cheer seniors with fresh flowers to adorn their dining rooms and reception areas.
A year ago, early in the morning, we drove to the wholesaler to pick up our stock of flowers for the week. When it was time to make a delivery, it didn't want to start. I was grateful that it did not break down on us on our trip to the wholesaler or on our trip back to the shop. Upon diagnosis, the starter was the problem. It was fixed after a week, and it purred like a happy kitten. It even took me to Berkeley and back to see my girlfriends.
Over the weekend, after a long day out delivering funeral flowers, event flowers at the Convention Center, birthday flowers and sympathy flowers for the family of a young man shot to death by a robber at an auto parts store, on it's way home, at a traffic light, it made a loud clunking sound when the light turned green and it was supposed to accelerate to go. Fortunately, it was not too far from home and one of our son's roommates was available to do the rescue.
I was at church when the car quit, so I was unavailable to help. I am very grateful for the service Ms. Quest has given us and for always quitting on us in safe areas. I am sure my God is looking over Ms. Quest and us in taking good care of this 1995 van and in keeping us safe and helping us complete all our flower deliveries. Goodbye Ms. Quest